What is Freedom?
Did you know your self-esteem is the governor of your life? This session will walk the learner through the requirements for a healthy self esteem. And give him/her the action plan to face any crisis in their life. They will receive the action plan to address problems that may destroy or damage their identity.

Freedom from
Messy Family Life
It is Truth that will break the cycle of dysfunction. In this session, each child will learn to recognize dysfunctions and identify functional family qualities. They will also explore the steps to breaking negative cycles, and come to learn that they can build a happy healthy home of their own in the future.

Freedom from
This session of freedom will teach the learners that everyone faces rejection. To shake off negativity will be the key focus throughout the class. They will learn to love and believe in themselves which will be their freedom goal. The session will also show them that a mindset of hope can free them from staying rejected.

Freedom from
Here the learners will discover that true contentment comes from within and that comparison will kill the joy of being 'You"! They will understand that being thankful for their own body will help them maximize their potential. They will get the keys to change their life by changing their mind and discovering confidence from the inside out.

Freedom from
People Pleasing
Did you know peer pressure is a powerful tool of conformity? In this session the learners will be guided to walk free from the web of a lifestyle to please others. They will get the keys to be independent from unhealthy influences. And learn to make healthy choices with confidence and be a positive influence to bring change.

Freedom from
Social Media Pressure
This lesson will shed light on the dangers of social media pressures which the teenagers are facing today specifically social anxiety and low self-esteem. They will learn the importance of being themselves online and offline. Not to be overwhelmed by steady feed of status updates. Each child will understand that Authenticity is a value they have to pursue.

Freedom from
Unhealthy Relationships
This session is all about building and maintaining healthy relationships. They will learn the importance of Boundaries be it physical, mental & emotional. The learners will get a checklist for healthy relationships along with the keys to commit to one. This will help them to have relational limits in order to create healthy behavior toward others.

Freedom from
This session will help the participants to focus on seeing beneath skin deep, to guide them if they have been discriminated against and to look beyond the things that limit them. They will learn not to label anyone that may dehumanize, devalue or rob the person's dignity but see the person for who he is.

Freedom from
This Freedom is all about being able to celebrate another's achievements and creativity. They will learn to resist the pressure to shrink when people try to cut them down in size This session will teach them to be secure and be free from fear and anxiety from other's lives. Will get a checklist to keep a healthy self-esteem and unlock talents.

Freedom from
In this session the learners will learn that they need courage to see their dreams come alive even when people try to box them in. They will understand that discouragement, disappointment and self doubt are part of the journey. Each one will take away the choice to not give in and not give up after the lesson.

Freedom from
Grace to overcome hurt and intimidation is what this session will teach the young learners. They will understand how to identify an intimidator and to stand up to bullying. The lesson will also give them an action plan along with the keys to live in grace. To be assured of who they are as a human being is the goal to overcome intimidation.

My Future Perspective
In the final session, the learners are given tools to stay motivated and bring a lasting change in their lives. They will receive the Freedom Creed which will be a reminder about their purpose in life. The realization that they have the choice to change their destiny through positive thinking and practical behavioural changes will impact their present choices.
What Students Say
I found the lectures very interactive and interesting. The challenges were very fun.
Vihaan Jadhav
I learned multiple things on social and emotional health, like controlling social media usage, peer pressure, and the effects of bullying, etc. I am now able to help multiple teens at my school whenever they come across these emotions or social challenges.
Amy Simon
I really enjoyed attending the freedom course. It was super relevant to what many of us teenagers go through. It was helpful to learn strategies for staying true to myself even when others are trying to influence me. Overall, this workshop was very inspiring. I would definitely recommend it to other teens.